Sunday, December 27, 2015

an interview with Kitsch & Fancy

i've had a few days off from work for the holidays and have been having fun relaxing as well as getting some work done!  i cleaned the house and finally got my studio room set up again.  got caught up on some ideas i had floating around my head and some christmas presents done at the same time.  and then of course the internet goes out during a rainstorm so i have all this time on my hands and decide to look into this Handmade Marketplace book i picked up at a local gift shop.


i do feel like after a few years of having a successful Etsy shop i have a decent grip on things but there is alway so much to learn and absorb from others.  this year i am trying to get re-inspired because it has been feeling stagnant lately and i was just trying to push through and to be honest i think i was just feeling tired and overworked and ready for a short break.  this year was a soft year for me and i allowed it to get that way by prioritizing it to the back burner but i'm ready to get refocused. 

to do lists

i work really well on paper and like writing freely to digest my ideas and just getting them down on paper format helps a lot sometimes.  my mind is always brimming with ideas and to-do lists so this helps me get organized and not forget as much.  there were some questions in the book that i took the time to answer in my inspiration notebook.  basically it is an interview with myself!

1.  why do i want to sell my crafts?  as long as i can remember me, my sister, and mother have been creating.  i am a busy body and making things gives me a satisfaction that nothing else can compare to.  i've always loved colorful, pretty things and it's so nice to share my little vision with others.  i have an entrepreneurial spirit that cannot be quenched!  mixing my joy of running a business with creating beautiful objects is a dream!

2.  what are my monetary goals?  this business takes up a lot of my free time so i have to be making goo money for it to be worth my time.  my short term goal is to reach and exceed sales goals every month and for this to be a solid second income.  my long term goal is for this to be a launching pad for a more permanent way to earn money.  quit my day job as Etsy likes to say!

3.  what does my idea of success look like?  how will i know when i've achieved it?  my idea of success is exceeding my own expectations while having fun doing it.  i love setting goals and trying to work towards them.  my idea of ultimate success will be when i feel confident enough to say i can do this for a living, i love it, and i've worked hard to get here!  i am a constant goal-seeker so i don't think i'll reach a point where i will think "i'm a complete success."  there's always room for growth and something that i can try to do better!

4.  do i have enough free time to devote to selling my work?  no of course not!  who does?  but i love feeling like i'm using my free time in a productive manner. i have streamlined my process to a point where i can produce quickly in an organized manner.  this year will try to do a better job of sticking to a tight schedule so i can free up and enjoy my weekends more often.

5.  do i have a support system in place for taking on this venture? yes!  i am lucky to be surrounded by my biggest fans!  my boyfriend, friends, and family are always there for an encouraging word or supportive hand.  my sister helps me hawk my wares at every local event that i do!

6.  what are my biggest fears? how can i overcome them?
everyone's biggest fear: working really hard for something and then losing it all.  a lot of Etsy business is not in my control unfortunately.  i can do what i can in my power to make things go my way but ultimately Etsy and the buyers are in control of my business.  just have faith in myself that my hard work will always pay off if i allow it to!

7.  what excites me the most about owning my own business?
it is a constant outlet for all my ideas.  i'm always bursting with new ideas and this allows me to bring them to fruition in a positive way.  i love the control aspect that i can make all the decisions that are right for me because i am the one taking the risks and putting in the work.  in other work environments i tend to feel plagued by the decisions of other people so this is great for me to release those frustrations.

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