Sunday, March 25, 2012


  current stats:  i've gained **THIRTY** pounds since matt and i have gotten together 2 years ago!  sheesh!  i've gained most of it the first few months i stopped working at Anthro.  i'm at that age (29) where i have to watch my weight VERY carefully through diet and exercise.  and everyone knows i hate to exercise....but i was getting a lot from running around constantly at work.  so even though i don't eat terribly...i don't really pay attention to the amount of calories i'm taking in AND not exercising has caught up and packed on the pounds.  it is disheartening to gain weight and not be able to fit into your clothes, but also just feeling sluggish and tired all the time sucks too.  so here it is.

day one:
current weight: 153 pounds, yikes a size 8
goal weight: 125, my normal size 4
goal weight loss:  28 pounds
general goals:  increase in energy, ability to eat healthy to maintain weight instead of focusing on weight loss, focus on adding exercise to daily routine

i had a hard time finding a full-bodied photo.  here is pic of liz and i at the milestone halloween party 3 years ago.  this is the weight i like to be around that is good for my frame and height. 

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