So last year I had a Valentine Card Making party. I provided tons of paper, glitter, macaroni, all kinds of fun shit and everyone that came contributed all kinds of neat things as well (lace, vintage paper, buttons, etc). We noshed on junk food, doughnuts, candy, and spritzer and watched Clueless and the Little Mermaid while we worked. In the end we all had awesome Valentine's cards made to give to our friends and family. I wish I had taken pictures of all the different cards everyone made. Anyway, I'm contemplating hosting another Valentine Craft Party again this year.
Here's your photo cred: Jenny Hanson

the infamous snack table

working hard!

look at all the red
What an amazingly cool idea. I so want to have a Valentines day card making party now. Clever thing you!!!
It was so much fun! And everyone had a great time and was really productive, even people that didn't really give a shit about Valentine's Day or crafts had fun. Do IT!
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