Today is a gorgeous day. I am getting really excited about the impending spring. I already see us frolicking outside playing 4-square at the park down the street, maybe some backyard parties, and laying out in the summer. Awesome. I'm outside right now typing in the backyard. Sushi is eating grass like a little cow beside me. Muffin is still weary about coming outside. She seemed to have a good time yesterday though. There are a few stressful events in my life right now but I decided that if I just go with the flow of things, everything will work itself out fine. (I can hope). I enjoy these days at home where I can do home-related things like laundry and mending shirts and updating my blog. Irene and Andy are both at work right now, this is the first day I've been home alone since we moved in. I go into work later for a few hours. But that's a while away. Today I am going to:
**destress (check!)
**work on designing some more layouts for my cookbook
**update my blog (check)
**sit outside and read Little House on the Prarie in the warm sun
**finish laundry and dishes
**paint a little
So yesterday was the first warm day in a while. It was like 65 degrees at the beginning of January. So we decided to have our lunch of whole wheat pasta outside in the backyard.

Andy's enjoying the warm day.

Andy set up his little workout station in the backyard. Now he can do pullups whenever he wants.

Muffin was being weird about being outside for a little while but warmed up to the idea. Here are some pictures of her exploring. She is a timid kitty. She got over to the neighbors yard for a while and couldn't figure out how to come back into our yard. She's gorgeous, but not as bright as her sister SushiLoo. I hear Sushi pissing off the neighbor's dogs right now cuz she doesnt give a shit. haha.

Jungle Woman

At one point Muffin got stuck between the slats of the fence.

The only picture we got of Sushi because she acts crazy outside. She likes to run up trees.

Thomas and Matt Nelson came over. They played soccer in the backyard. Then we walked to the awesome nearby park and played 4-square where Thomas schooled everyone as usual.