Twin Party 2005
this is my life with bryan and my cats. food, cats, fashion, adventure and love in no particular order.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
This is a time that will test the solidity of your relationships. Dormant or hidden tensions that are gnawing at the edges of any relationship are likely to become apparent now. Make an effort to recognize the difference between ego conflicts and genuine issues.
It's my birthday. I'm turning twenty-six and it's the first time I feel old.
It kind of sucks. I just feel fat and saggy (ew) and not young anymore. I'm going to start using that phrase that old peeps use a lot "I'm no spring chicken" haha. This Saturday is mine and Irene's twin party (only the second one, but probably the last!). I have a lot of goals for this year but I'm going to keep them secret because I'm not sure what they are yet. I definitely know for sure that I don't need some DUDE ruining my life or taking up all my time so I'm trying not to care about being single for now. I think we all go through a mid-mid-life crisis when you turn 26ish. My late twenty-something friends are all going through it except for jenny cuz she never cares about anything like that. I'm gonna keep my actual birthday (May 1st) on the DL this year and maybe just get dinner with a couple people at ru san's and go out like normal that night, nothing special, I'm sure I'll still be recovering from alcohol poisoning from my birthday party.
We got our outfits for the twin party. Haven't seen Reenie's yet shes still at mama's house. I'm sure it looks amazing.
Basically Black-and-White black tie/ tuxedo look. This with heels. Of course I don't look good like these skanks but it's still a cute concept.
Monday, April 21, 2008
sloths <3 by irene
kiwi bird by sophie
kiwi bird by sophie
Originally uploaded by babojeen
i really wanted to use this frame. it is absolutely gorgeous. forget the drawing.
"kiwi bird" ink and colored pencil
anteater by irene
anteater by irene
Originally uploaded by babojeen
she's always been so talented with clay! ever since we were little.
paper owls by irene
paper owls by irene
Originally uploaded by babojeen
Love these! Irene stabbed herself in the toenail with her exacto knife while making these.
animal Show at Black Sheep
animal Show at Black Sheep
baby beluga by irene & narwhale and beluga by sophie(right)
Originally uploaded by babojeen
Our belugas
Left: Irene's beluga in a shadow box!
Right: Beluga and Narwhal by sophie
ink and gouache on wood
Animal Show at Black Sheep
squid by irene seahorse by sophie
Originally uploaded by babojeen
Top: Irene's Sea Creature, an Octopus
Bottom: Seahorse, watercolor and ink by sophie
Animal Show at Black Sheep
alpaca by sophie
Originally uploaded by babojeen
watercolor, ink, mixed media on wood
this one was still dripping wet when i hung it.
Animal Show at Black Sheep
sloth by sophie
Originally uploaded by babojeen
"Yes sloths are Ugly"
acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media
Black Sheep Art Show
elephants by sophie
Originally uploaded by babojeen
"Elephant Parade"
acrylic and mixed media. the elephants are sewn onto the canvas!
Originally uploaded by Sophiecakes
Matt, Mahly, and Andy trying to do cartwheels/roundoffs. I can't do anything. Not even a somersault! They wouldn't stop hitting on random girls. I hate boys.
a nice sunday
Originally uploaded by Sophiecakes
We went to the park it was a gorgeous day! I got a semi-tan.