our cupcake tree. how fucking cute is this. we didn't eat the big one.
my freaking awesome party fountain. sutter home fountain holla.
Gossip Girls
Quiche balls and more
Brie and Nuts
Lil J
Lil J and Lizzie
Ashley and Shaughn totally posing
this is my life with bryan and my cats. food, cats, fashion, adventure and love in no particular order.
i really wanted to use this frame. it is absolutely gorgeous. forget the drawing.
"kiwi bird" ink and colored pencil
she's always been so talented with clay! ever since we were little.
Love these! Irene stabbed herself in the toenail with her exacto knife while making these.
Our belugas
Left: Irene's beluga in a shadow box!
Right: Beluga and Narwhal by sophie
ink and gouache on wood
Top: Irene's Sea Creature, an Octopus
Bottom: Seahorse, watercolor and ink by sophie
watercolor, ink, mixed media on wood
this one was still dripping wet when i hung it.
"Yes sloths are Ugly"
acrylic, watercolor, and mixed media
"Elephant Parade"
acrylic and mixed media. the elephants are sewn onto the canvas!
Matt, Mahly, and Andy trying to do cartwheels/roundoffs. I can't do anything. Not even a somersault! They wouldn't stop hitting on random girls. I hate boys.
We went to the park it was a gorgeous day! I got a semi-tan.